
The Arisaka Type 38 was
chambered in 6.5 x 50mm and was produced from 1905 through 1940 for the Imperial Japanese Army. The Arisaka rifles were designated
with the year of the current emperor's reign. Thus, the Type 38 rifle was designed in the 38th year of the reign of Emperor
Meiji, which began in 1905.

The Arisaka Type 38 was heavily influenced by the Mauser design, but it did have a few features that were unique
to it. One of these features was the sliding bolt cover, which protected the
receiver openings from the unforgiving pacific climate. This feature though wasn’t
always welcome as it often rattled when the bolt was operated. It was fairly
common for soldiers to remove these covers.

This Type 38 was manufactured by Jinsen (Korea) and was part of series
#30. It was manufactured in either 1939 or 1940 and
though there were over 3 million Type 38 rifles manufactured by various arsenals, Jinsen only manufacture 13,000.